The Lion's Gate Portal- A Time for Soul Activation + Discovery

We are in the Lion’s Gate Portal right now, which happens each year from the end of July through mid August, and it’s one of my most cherished seasons within Summer because of how it activated me onto my dharmic path in 2021. In this episode I share about what the Lion’s Gate Portal is, what’s available to you during this potent time, and my personal story of what happened to me in August of 2021. I talk about how important it is to listen to that niggle and follow the threads of what your heart and soul are asking you to do, and how everything you want, desire and all that is meant for you is already available to you in the Quantum Field. You just have to reach out and grab it, and right now is the perfect time to do that. To take that actionable step that will make your dreams into reality. To plant you firmly on your soul’s intended path. It might not make sense to anyone else, but if it makes sense to you, that’s all that matters!

Want to tap into this energy and receive soul activations? Join me for a virtual Leo New Moon Cacao Ceremony and Guided Meditation on Monday, August 5th via Zoom. You can find all the details and register at