Love, the subconscious mind and the most common limiting self beliefs about love.
Over the past few years I have done a personal deep dive into my own relationship with love. My love for myself (which is is directly tied to my self worth), my feelings of worthiness around love, my ability to receive love from others and knowing that it is safe to love and to be loved.
Love and everything surrounding the topic should be quite simple:
Love is the most powerful energy that exists. Love is the meaning of life.
Yet, as humans we tend to make it SO complex.
It comes down to the limiting self beliefs and subconscious programs we hold about love. You might call it ego, societal/familial conditioning, inner child wounding… there are many things that get in the way of being able to give, receive and feel love freely.
Through my own personal experiment around love and the subconscious, as well as all of the work I do with my clients around the vast topic of love, these tend to be the most common limiting self beliefs:
I am not worthy of true, unconditional love: Not feeling good enough, not lovable, not successful enough, not smart enough.
I don’t like who I am/I wish I was different: Wanting to be different than you are, feeling at odds with the way you are wired, comparing yourself to others, wishing you were more like them. This is an important pattern to shift because self love starts with self acceptance.
It’s not safe to love and/or be loved: This is often due to love that was lost, a broken heart, grief around losing a loved one, or being raised in a toxic environment where love was expressed in an unhealthy way.
Love equals self sacrifice: I see this a lot as an unhealthy pattern in our society. This stems from the belief that in order to be a good partner we must compromise our own desires, interests, values and vision.
Remember that the subconscious is in charge 95-99% of the time, so if you hold any of these unhealthy beliefs, chances are you will unconsciously block yourself from attracting the kind of love that your heart truly desires.
So where do we go from here?
My answer is always the same: Identify your limiting self beliefs and heal your subconscious mind to create healthy beliefs that support your desires.
Don’t know where to start?
Head to my next post on 3 Ways to Tap into Your Subconscious Beliefs About Love.